So what is with me in the last 2 month in Spain?!
1..still can't speak spanish, and spanish people like to judge me because of this...yepp easy for them to speak the language...they should go to Hungary an after 1 month they expect from me after 1 month, however i have never learn the language...
2 if i don't break my nose here in Spain, i naver gonna do much time i had accident by the children, and all time my nose!!
3. if my telephone survive in Spain, it never gonna much time showered my phone by i care more don't take with me to swimming pool, and to bathroom, now just accidently drops it:D
4. never get so much kisses from guys than from my little girls, who kissed me on my mouth...bit for me culture shock..i am definitely not that used to...alredy strange sometimes when i meet new spanish people and immidiately kissing me...but start to get used to
5. can't belive can get used to with whining, and crying...its really popular for the children, and during the time i kill myself min 10 times...accept, or runaway..i will see....i never give up if i want something...but do i really want it?
6. i am strating to be bad girl...i know more the party places, the bad words in spanish than anything else...never got so much party invitation than nowadays, and this week, there are daily min 2 party, but i have to work, so don't go anywhere i guess
7..cold, cold, cold....i thought never say this after Estonia, and England, but i have to...but still i don't use really umbrella...after england don't know what it is for:-)
8. didn't break yet the car...start to get used to with the families car...
9. my hungarian is worst and worst...and for sure i won't develope it:D today i got to know a new hungarian auapir, but we didn't speak with each other any, but the new girl from England...ohh yepp wwe went to home together and talklot:D
11...teaching children to be polite...huu i guess even the parents look at me when i ask back from children how did you say? i didn't hear saying PLEASE. even in hungarian we are not used to use this polite asking, and thanks for everything, but in England i have learnt it, so i try to teach them for will be usefull if they really want to move to there:D so now they know more to say please, and thanks, but stop kicking me and hit me...i need to work more for it.
12. i have changed my family name. the new one is: NO. the children all time say Renata No..Renata No...some and the preants guess this is my family name!
10...just my thinking...i wish more and more to go to Africa..first i think for short period, and after i will see..looking for projects there...but i'd just like to go there not want yet, so in my case menas i don't do anything for it to achieve, whan i want to do it, i am gonna do eveyrthing, and i am gonna achive it:D
so for a while i think thats all:D
hasta pronto
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