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Friss topikok


2013.06.11. 22:17 tonata

Let’s use my luck

All information happened couple of weeks ago, just I didn't finish my blog so I didnt posted but during the time so much other things happened, so I had no time to finish this one, and actuallu lot of other things changed also. But the other changes I will write in my next blog!:D

Some more things that happened with me. This week I went back to my workplace, to start my criminal check. They have accepted all certifications, and now again there is nothing to do just wait. Wait 1, or 2 weeksL

During the time I have started to check, how I can become a Social Worker here. I need references, pay 420 pounds (non-refundable) fill up 45 pages application form by me and my referees. Lot of copies about my certifications, and a certification which says I have higher level of English than B2 intermediate (and I have just B2 from Hungary).  So I need much more time to be a Social Worker here.  And after the application I need to wait 16weeks till they figure out I am professional Social Worker.

Would be great to start language course too, and start everything now, but  because I don’t work yet, I don’t have money for all of these. This week the family (for the aupair job) also didn’t need me. Tomorrow I need to go.

But I should use my luck that I have. I live together with 3 english, 1 american (whom we never seen since she moved here) and my Spanish friend moved here yesterday. We have common friends with him (lot of other Spanish) so I guess we will have lot of time Spanish nights, and parties together. So I should use this possibility to have good English, and Spanish.

And I am again in funny situation. He can’t really speak English, and I can’t really speak Spanish. We still use more Spanish than English. When we are together, usually the Spanish become common language.  And maybe sometimes I would love to runaway from these situations. Let’s see.  Maybe sometimes again I will feel I would love to just sit in a BMW and go with 250km/h and crash into a wall, like I wished sometimes in Spain:):)but the situation there didn’t kill me so now I am stronger:):) I am learning hopefully from everything, and now I shouldn’t  let my second chance to loose to have a good Spanish. Like one of the writer mentioned in his book (Andrew Matthews) what do you do when you are in race car and suddenly you find yourself sliding out of control and heading for a brick wall?! Close my eyes.  Wrong answer. You keep your eyes fixed on where you want to go.  So I want to have high level of English, and a good level of Spanish. These are some of my aims to keep my eyes on it.

By the way am I the only one who is so bad in languages, however I love them? Am I the only one who is all time judged by her language skills.  I just hear so much times, your Spanish is so bad, and you do so much mistakes in your English. Or is it normal to not really have good level of language as it is just not your native language, and you need ages to get that level?!Or just bad luck for me:)

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